Do you think that being a Scrum Master is about recording notes, scheduling events and creating burndown charts for the Product Owner and the Developers? If you answered yes, you are confusing a Scrum Master with a Project Manager. It’s one of the biggest mistakes new Scrum Masters make.
An adequate Scrum Master may introduce Sprints and Events. But only a truly great Scrum Master understands that Scrum Mastery has nothing to do with being this kind of a crutch for people. Scrum Masters are coaches who understand how to help people help themselves to achieve their goals and objectives.
In The Scrum Master Files, trusted coach and Certified Scrum Trainer Angela Johnson takes you through her journey from Project Manager to Scrum Master. She helps you learn through her own failures what it means to coach Developers, Product Owners and Organizations in changing the way they work with Scrum.
The case studies in this book put you in the Scrum Master role and help you see what went wrong and how to make things right using real-world scenarios.
You’re about to discover:
- The people skills necessary to be a great Scrum Master
- Why Scrum Masters are Servant Leaders and not secretaries
- What coaching is and more importantly, what it is not
- The value of Scrum Master as a neutral, objective facilitator
- What a Scrum Master can do to navigate conflict
- How to identify coachable and teachable moments
The secrets shared in this book are not exclusive to Scrum Masters!
If you are an agile coach, leader, trainer, mentor, facilitator, team member or just work with people, this book is for you. You will unlock the secrets to working better together.
Watch the video:

About the Author
Angela Johnson is a “professional people geek” with over 25+ years of experience working with teams and leaders in both project management and Agile environments. Angela started her career in technical support, quickly advancing to programming, database administration and project management. She realized that her passion was not in Gantt charts and status reports but in helping people work together more effectively within organizations. Becoming a Scrum Master enabled her to serve teams, Product Owners and leaders in companies adopting Agile and Scrum. In 2010, she founded her company to bring Agile education and coaching services to a diverse group of start-ups, Fortune 100 and 500 companies. Angela identified the best way to learn more about the highs and lows of Scrum adoptions was to immerse her own company into this way of working. In 2014 she renamed the company to Collaborative Leadership Team and began the same journey her clients were undertaking.
Collaborative Leadership Team uses Agile to manage the company and has the privilege of serving others in a variety of industries including: software, hardware, services, marketing and more. The breadth and depth of CoLeadTeam’s experience extends beyond Scrum and includes Kanban, eXtreme Programming, Facilitation and Organizational Change for Business Agility.
Angela is a Certified Scrum Trainer®, and a Certified LeSS Practitioner. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication and Management from Hamline University and a Master of Business Communication from the University of St. Thomas. Angela lives in a western suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Her greatest roles are Mom, Wife and Teammate.
To learn more about Angela’s services and Collaborative Leadership Team visit:
“Angela has written an inspirational, yet fun, guidebook on commonsense Scrum by formulating an excellent collection of stories that highlight crucial elements of principles, values, and the pillars of Scrum. Sprint to the red pill, have faith, and leave your ego at the door.”
“When it comes to Agile and Scrum, there is a big difference between what you think you know and what you should know…from a practical standpoint. Through numerous real-world examples, Angela Johnson takes the reader to another level of understanding of what it takes to become a successful Scrum Master. Her master classes have inspired hundreds of project managers and product owners to become Scrum Masters in their own right. I highly recommend The Scrum Master Files as a must read for any business coach.”
“While taking the red pill is an individual decision. Angela shows that crossing the chasm, one is not left alone. There are others who strive to chart the course to a breakthrough organizational culture. Together, we can rediscover Zion.”